Песенка... Напевать голосом солиста Металлики.
Кто может придумать хорошие 2 последние строчки?
Suicide minions.
I shall divide you, your past will come to dust.
New personalities will quarrel in your head,
I'll drink your blood, but you will outlast,
My little child, your time has not come yet.
We just don't need those people with bad news,
Noone can reach your mind behind my veil
Ancient reflexes will overwhelm your nous
My will is yours, Since now it will prevail.
Oh, my minions, go and get my gold!
Youre queen is hungry, feed her with the corpses
Blow yorself, Let it rock and roll!
Sing me my music with million deadly voices.
My love is worth it - you have no more choices.
Whant me to love you - you just don't have more choices.
All my allies are sacrificial lambs,
But you and I! Our love will live forever!
You're the one who just overcomes,
Your farewell song we're singing all together.
The ships are crushed and burried in the sand,
Under the sea, the chests are scattered 'round them.
!!! ... СЮДА НУЖНЫ 2 СТРОЧКИ ... !!!
Варианты... Так себе.
[Noone remembers what you have sacrificed,
But with new gold I'll buy your home and ground.]
[i don't rememer what was your name and town,
But your brave soul has put some gold to crown ]
[Noone will look for and will never find,
Yor body lying with jolly Roger banner.]